World Wildlife Day 2020 Free Kindle Promotion

March 3, 2020

Amazing Books Honoring Wildlife

In celebration of World Wildlife Day, we have compiled a list of our four favorite books honoring wildlife. These books, in their own unique way, each teach us about kindness and compassion for each other, wildlife, and the environment. Read more below and find these great Kindle Edition Books on for FREE today only. Please remember to leave a review. Happy Reading!!

Links provided for each book below. Once you are on the page, click the “Buy now with 1-Click” button for the FREE KINDLE

BeeLive: A Bee’s Story

BeeLive: A Bee’s Story
Written by: Antonella Maria Fortunato

BeeLive pronounced /biːlɪv/ A Bee’s Story is a children’s book for all ages. A story written in rhyme about the importance of bees to our environment and our lives. The book displays beautiful pictures (both illustrations and photographs) to show bees in their natural habitat. The goal of BeeLive: A Bee’s Story is to educate young readers about bees, the reason we should appreciate them, and what will happen if they became extinct. BeeLive wants to motivate children to make a change now to ensure a future for bees and all that they give to us and our world.

BeeLive: A Bee’s Story by Antonella Maria Fortunato
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Leonardo the Lion: A Leap of Faith

Leonardo the Lion: A Leap of Faith
Written by: Jessica Sinatra

Leonardo the Lion: A Leap of Faith is the first of its series and winner of the 2019 Purple Dragonfly Book Award in School Issues. A Leap of Faith introduces the determined and courageous lion cub Leonardo, who fights to overcome his own insecurities to make new friends. During his first day at school, Leonardo encounters many students who are fearful of Leonardo because he is a lion, different from their kind. This story teaches kindness, perseverance, and acceptance of diversity.

Leonardo the Lion: A Leap of Faith by Jessica Sinatra
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Leonardo il Leone: Un Atto di Coraggio

Leonardo il Leone: Un Atto Di Coraggio
Scritta da: Jessica Sinatra

Leonardo il Leone: Un Atto di Coraggio e’ il primo della sua serie. Introduce il deciso e coraggioso cucciolo di leone ed i suoi amici della savanna africana. Le storie di Leonardo il Leone esplorano le sfide comuni che ogni cucciolo di uomo incontra nel suo cammino; paure, ostacoli, inadeguatezza fare nuove amicizie per il integrante di un nucleo che non e’ quello della famiglia. Si prefigge lo scopo di insegnare a superare gli ostacoli con gentilezza e amore, ed acquisire forza ed un’autostima con una visione ed una morale positiva.

*Un Atto di Coraggio is the Italian translation of A Leap of Faith. Translated by Alessia Calvani.

Leonardo il Leone: Un Atto di Coraggio da Jessica Sinatra
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Rettet Tally

Rettet Tally
Von: Serena Lane Ferrari

Tally ist eine neugierige kleine Schildkröte, die oft in Schwierigkeiten gerät. Ihrebeste Freundin Ara ist ein kluger und starker Hummer. Am gefährlichsten Ort des Ozeans erleben Tally und Ara ein aufregendesAbenteuer. Dieser Ort lässt sie erkennen, dass ihre Unterwasserwelt nichtimmer schön ist. Werden sie es schaffen der Gefahr zu entkommen? Ein ansprechendes Buch, das das Problem des Plastikmülls im Meerthematisiert. Es beschreibt, wie sich Plastik auf unseren Ozean und das Lebenim Meer auswirkt.  

Tally is a curious little turtle with a talent for getting into trouble. Her best friend Ara is a wise and strong lobster. The most dangerous part of the ocean is about to shock Tally and Ara and make them realise that their underwater world isn’t always charming. Will they be able to escape the danger? An engaging book that addresses the issue of plastic pollution and how it impacts our oceans and sea life.

Rettet Tally von: Serena Lane Ferrari
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